This effort is in response to an urgent Operational Need Statement (ONS) for an operational capability to prevent and/or defeat Improvised Explosive Device (IED) detonation ambushes that are a pervasive threat throughout the Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) theater of operation. This Statement of Objectives (SOO) provides the government's overall objectives for executing contract actions to produce, field and support a next generation Counter Remote Control Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) system, herein referred to as CREW Spiral 2 (CREW-2). The CREW-2 system shall provide increased capability over existing CREW Spiral 1 (CREW-1), a.k.a Warlock Family of Systems, with simultaneous coverage against all RCIED threats at increased ranges, broader frequency coverage extendable to higher frequencies, ease of programmability, reduced size-weight-and-power and built-in capacity for future growth. The ONS requirement is for use in tracked/wheeled vehicles, dismounted (note, not man-packable) and fixed sites for convoy, gate-keeping and Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) operations.
On 3 June 2004, the U.S. Army Central Command (CENTCOM), Multi-National Corps?Iraq (MNC-I), identified an urgent Operational Need for Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) Devices and associated logistics support services to counteract the enemy use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) against Coalition Forces. This requirement was validated by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) on 10 August 2004. CENTCOM provided classified information to HQDA that detailed the number of convoys, gate-keeping and EOD operations that require CREW systems. To date this requirement has been met with the fielding of multiple configurations of CREW-1 devices (Warlock Family of Systems) which have certain limitations. CREW-2 systems are required to continue to meet urgent mission requirements and to provide a one system solution that can meet the full operational capability in a single system configuration.
CREW is a US Army managed evolutionary acquisition program that employs a spiral development approach to allow for rapid fielding of incremental CREW capabilities. CREW-1 was initiated in 2003 to address the immediate warfighter need by producing and fielding a Warlock Family of Systems. These CREW-1 systems are in various configurations and varied levels of performance. As currently configured, none of these systems completely address the total MNC-I operational requirement. With multiple configurations come a training and sustainment burden, and the adaptive and evolving nature of the threat dictates that CREW systems must have an open architecture to accommodate system growth. The CREW-2 system shall address these issues by providing a capability against a broader spectrum of RCIED threats, a common supportability approach, a design that is sufficiently flexible to allow for future capability growth, and one that is affordable to the government. Future CREW spirals are envisioned that will encompass requirements beyond this immediate acquisition.
The CREW-2 system shall consist of a software programmable Radio Frequency countermeasure system, associated antenna(s), remote control box, installation kit (A-kit) and cabling for installation on a variety of wheeled and tracked vehicles. A Field Test Set (FTS) shall also be provided for pre-operational system checkout to confirm that the system is operating properly. The CREW-2 ?one system? does not mandate a single box solution, however, the complete system less antenna, cabling and FTS shall meet the required size/volume constraints per the CREW-2 Performance Based Specification.
The CREW-2 system shall be installed and operated on the following vehicle configurations, including but not limited to:
* HMMWVs (M998, M1025, M1028, M1097, M1113 & M1114)
* Stryker Combat Vehicles
* Family of Medium and Light Tactical Vehicles (FMTV/LMTV)
* Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT)
* M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle
* Medium Mine Protected Vehicle (MMPV)
* Heavy Mine Clearance Vehicle (HMCV)
* Interim Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector (IVMMD)
The CREW-2 system shall meet or exceed existing CREW-1 system's capability, flexibility and effectiveness, at decreased life cycle costs. Given the urgent nature of the requirement, technically mature, low risk solutions will be procured using a four (4) year Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) type arrangement to meet existing and emerging needs. The initial FY05 buy will include a minimum buy of 100 CREW-2 systems, support to a government operational assessment, and Contractor Logistics Support (CLS). In addition, Time and Materiel (T&M) efforts are planned for field support, training, vehicle installation, maintenance, and system upgrades.
Schedule is a critical aspect of the CREW-2 program due to the urgent nature of the requirement. The contractor shall consider alternative dates and event sequencing with the objective of accelerating the CREW-2 production to meet an aggressive First Unit Equipped (FUE) Target Date of approximately 240 days after contract (DAC) award. The FUE date is defined as the scheduled date that the initial CREW-2 end items and the agreed upon support elements are delivered to the MNC-I theater and training has been accomplished.
Article From http://www.globalsecurity
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